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Transform Your Health with Personalized Care
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Our company Healthpearls is based on principles of functional medicine. Functional medicine addresses the root cause/underlying cause of diseases and restores healthy functions through a personalized patient experience rather than just treating the symptoms and managing illnesses.
Diseases go away when the root causes are addressed. Any intervention we adopt for an individual—therapeutic or lifestyle—is like fitting those interventions to that particular individual. This is very similar to “tailoring,” which involves taking measurements and also trying the outfit. This is because each individual has his or her own unique fit. Similarly, the health interventions for all individuals cannot be the same.
At Health Pearls-Doctors and patients are equal partners in health. Our Patients are co-creators of health along with their clinicians. This is a mutually empowering relationship between patient and provider where both share responsibility for creating and implementing the healthcare plan to achieve desired well-being.
Our goal is “optimal health” for all our patients and clients. “Tolerable illness” is not what we settle for. We want you to feel amazing and enjoy this life, a beautiful gift from God. Health Pearls takes a comprehensive whole-health approach to prevention and well-being.
Functional Medicine can act as a Catalyst in the transformation of a person’s health.
An unprecedented rise is being observed in the incidence and prevalence of Chronic Diseases like Diabetes, Fatty Liver, Hypertension ( High- BP), Heart Diseases, Cancers, Allergies, Autoimmune disorders like Arthritis and asthma.
The scope and cost of chronic disease continue to rise. Functional medicine has proven to reverse this trend by providing better outcomes and cost savings for both patients and the healthcare system in the long term.
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